You don’t feel challenged. You kept growing and your responsibilities, scope, and pay haven’t kept pace. Your job feels like a waste of your time.

You were struck by a lightening bolt, and your new interest is drawing your career into a new direction. Now you feel ambivalent about what you do everyday.

Your home life has changed. You have a new child, your children left the nest, or a family member is sick and needs caregiving. You have less or more to give then before, new requirements or possibilities need to be considered.

Your boss has changed, and you aren’t getting the support and resources you were before. They aren’t advocating for and coaching you, the way you know you deserve.

5. The company has changed direction and you are not as inspired by the latest vision or are concerned about the long-term stability of the organization.

Your boss is competing with you, instead of supporting you. They are threatened by your skills and confidence. You feel unappreciated and undermined.

You’ve been busting it, and instead of giving you resources so you can adjust back to a sustainable pace, they keep counting on you over-delivering. You are exhausted.

There are business issues that need resolving that you see clear as day, and you’ve started to work on them. You are now doing the work of others because it wasn’t getting done. Your efforts to influence leadership to make adjustments to give you authority to fix the problems or solve them another way just isn’t going anywhere.

Your business owners are not focused on growth because the business is producing a comfortable lifestyle for the owner, or is being prepped for sale. They listen to your ideas, but don’t do anything. You are tired of waiting.

You work for a founder or leader who has a high need for control to his initial vision, and isn’t willing to hear your ideas and give you room to innovate and build on what they have done. The micro-management and limits on creativity are tiresome.

You took a role that was beneath your skills and experience level. At first, learning a new organization or industry was challenging, now you are bored.

The company or hiring manager made promises that just haven’t been kept. You imagined things growing different over time to become more fulfilling for you, and you now see that dream you had for this role won’t be realized.

The lack of teamwork is de-motivating. Negative energy and unneeded barriers are everywhere. You realize you just can’t be your best self at this place, and maybe in this field.

The industry or occupation you’ve called home is being disrupted by automation, market, or global forces. It is bigger than your company, you need a new path.

You have personal goals for your family or yourself that can’t be achieved without more income. Your skills, talents, and interests can earn you more, to accomplish your dreams.